Securing Patient Data With Managed Services

Why Securing Patient Data Is Better With Managed IT Services

In 2017, data breaches affected over 5.5 million patient records. Attacks are becoming more sophisticated, making it difficult for in-house IT teams to adequately protect healthcare organizations from ever-increasing threats and securing patient data. As threats continue to plague the healthcare industry, many organizations are turning to managed IT services to secure patient data. Security…Continue Reading

Benefits of MSP and IT Manager Partnership

How the IT Manager Can Benefit by Partnering With a Managed Service Provider

Many small to medium sized businesses maintain their own IT infrastructure. When doing so they will hire an IT Manager to handle the day to day operations. While some may consider this a viable and economically sound solution, experience has shown that it may benefit the IT Manager, and the business, more to partner with…Continue Reading

Six Overlooked Best Practices That Threaten Enterprises

Six Overlooked Practices That Threaten Enterprises

No company is safe from human error. Statistics indicate that every year, over one billion records of data are compromised due to common mishaps. More than 90 million IT-related accidents are reported in the US alone. It gets worse; A whopping average of $15 million in damages relentlessly plague even the most prestigious and security…Continue Reading

Why you need a managed service provider

5 Reasons to Partner with a Managed Service Provider

The need for MSPs (Managed Service Provider) is on the rise, and with good reason. You may be familiar with the term and even the nature of an MSP. Your Managed Services Provider can take over your daily IT support and services and provide a measurable and quantifiable ROI. Among other additional benefits include lowering…Continue Reading

5 Steps to Network Security and Compliance

Network Security and Compliance Best Practices

Small businesses are often at a greater risk for cyber threats because they typically have smaller budgets and do not have the revenue to afford their own information technology departments to deal with these threats. In addition, 87 percent of small business owners do not believe they are at risk for an attack. As a…Continue Reading

hurricane preparedness for businesses

Hurricane Preparedness for Businesses Part 2: 5 Critical Steps to Ready Your Infrastructure Before A Storm

In Part 1, we discussed putting together a hurricane plan for your personnel and ensuring that you keep an open line of communication with emergency services organizations, local businesses, and vendors. Here in Part 2, we will take a look at hurricane preparedness from a business IT perspective. It is imperative that you also develop…Continue Reading

florida palm trees in a storm

How to Prepare Your Business for a Hurricane – Part 1

Until last year, Florida had not been directly hit by a hurricane since 2005. Yet, in 2004, the state was directly hit a record four times, which had never happened, dating back to 1850. Odds are Florida is due for another hurricane strike. In fact, according to the latest forecasts released by Colorado State University,…Continue Reading

Top 10 Ways Your Network Security Is at Risk

The recent ransomware cyberattacks in the United Kingdom and elsewhere around the globe remind us how vulnerable businesses can be to cyber criminals. During the last three years, Business Email Compromise (BEC) scams targeted more than 400 U.S. businesses every day and cost those companies $3 billion. Small businesses are particularly vulnerable to cyberattacks: they…Continue Reading

computer screen with risk assessment report

How to Remove Network Security Vulnerabilities

If your business operated with trade secrets and you knew there was a way your competition could access those secrets, you would seal that hole. If you knew your proprietary information was at risk, you would fix the issue. Removing network security vulnerabilities is one of the best things you can do for the future…Continue Reading

why server maintenance is one of the best investments for your company man working on server

Why Server Maintenance Is One of the Best Investments for Your Company

Have you ever noticed what happens to a home that’s left vacant? Weeds grow. Dust accumulates. Unwanted pests move in. The roof will eventually leak and give way. The same can be said for your company’s servers if you’re not giving them the necessary regular server maintenance they require. The negatives of skipping regular server…Continue Reading