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Enterprise Cybersecurity Threats 2024

Top Enterprise Cybersecurity Challenges of 2024 (& How to Solve Them!)

Enterprise cybersecurity is on the minds of executives around the globe, and the stakes are real: A single data breach triggers average losses of 1.1% in market value and 3.2% in sales growth. For an organization like Toyota, such an attack would cost billions. This scenario happened to Target Corp. After a breach leaked the…Continue Reading

What you need to know about cyberwar

Cybersecurity and Cyberwar: What Everyone Needs To Know

When devastating attacks that compromise thousands of organizations happen more often than you think, worldwide cyberwarfare is no longer just a plot point in Hollywood blockbusters. These real-world events have demonstrated the catastrophic consequences of cyberattacks and underscore the urgent need for individuals and organizations to prioritize cybersecurity in order to safeguard their data and…Continue Reading

Man in data center setting up virtualization

The Pros and Cons of Virtualization

Companies constantly look for new ways to boost efficiency, reduce costs, and improve scalability in today’s economic environment. Virtualization has emerged as a key technology that can help make all of those things possible when implemented correctly. Still trying to figure out if virtualization is the right approach for you? Let’s dig into the benefits…Continue Reading