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Man in data center setting up virtualization

The Pros and Cons of Virtualization

Companies constantly look for new ways to boost efficiency, reduce costs, and improve scalability in today’s economic environment. Virtualization has emerged as a key technology that can help make all of those things possible when implemented correctly. Still trying to figure out if virtualization is the right approach for you? Let’s dig into the benefits…Continue Reading

How Can You Protect Yourself from Social Engineering?

Many organizations treat cybersecurity like they’re a king trying to prevent an invading army from breaking into the castle. However, not all malicious actors access systems by forcing their way in. Social engineering attacks trick individuals within an organization into opening the castle gate. How can you protect yourself from social engineering attacks? What Is…Continue Reading

Network Design

Network Design: A High-Level Overview

Most businesses rely on their networks to execute core business functions. Unplanned network downtime can cost businesses as much as $9,000 per minute.  Network design is one of the most critical factors determining your network’s vulnerability to unplanned downtime and other issues. This high-level overview will help you understand what to look for in a…Continue Reading