Does your organization have best practices for how to use technology which include installing patches, computer based training and pushing out anti-virus updates? Does your firm have a threat detection strategy? Perhaps your firm utilizes a layered security approach and because you have never experienced a breach you are at peace with the security of…Continue Reading
On November 23, 2017, a new RansomWare outbreak called Scarab, (first discovered in June by Michael Gillespie, was being distributed to approximately 12.5 million email addresses in the first hours alone. The virus was sent to domains that were primarily .com addresses. It also found its way to other top level domain extensions like,…Continue Reading
The Holidays are now upon us and many will traveling. Whether it is to visit relatives, a secondary corporate location or client site across the country, travel may be part of your plans. In this day and age and considering the Internet Of Things and BYOD (Bring Your Own Device), the practice of taking extra…Continue Reading
Password security is increasingly becoming a major concern for people and businesses on a personal and professional level. Keeping your systems, devices and networks secure with strong passwords is an absolute must today. There is a good reason why Netflix warns users to change their passwords. When successful giants like LinkedIn, Google, eHarmony, Yahoo and…Continue Reading
Small businesses are often at a greater risk for cyber threats because they typically have smaller budgets and do not have the revenue to afford their own information technology departments to deal with these threats. In addition, 87 percent of small business owners do not believe they are at risk for an attack. As a…Continue Reading
Being hacked is a concern for most of us nowadays. You can’t skim a newspaper without seeing some security breach, not to mention it was a major point of contention during election time. Were elections at risk from foreign hackers? Were emails read? We’ll save the political arguments for another time, but data security is…Continue Reading
Phishing scams are making the news again. This time a very believable scam targets Google users. If you think you know everything about protecting yourself, be aware that many tech savvy users were duped on this one. Here’s how they did it and how you can protect your business and employees. What is a Phishing…Continue Reading
Let’s face it, our lives are online nowadays. Whether it’s business information, bank accounts, bill pay, our car, our smart house, or any number of activities we complete online, just being on the Interwebs makes us all vulnerable to hacking. But there are ways you can avoid getting hacked, and whether you’re “techy” or not,…Continue Reading
Viruses, phishing scams, and spam are annoying on your personal computer. They can tap into your contacts, siphon off important information from bank accounts and credit card numbers, and be downright embarrassing when “you” email everyone you know about discount sunglasses or a bank account in the West Indies. But annoying quickly turns to catastrophe…Continue Reading
Do you think you’ve been hacked? How do you know? Here are a few of the often overlooked indicators that your system’s been compromised. Hollywood would have us believe that the moment our computers are hacked the whole network goes down, the lights go off, and a frightful cartoon image appears on our monitor. Unfortunately,…Continue Reading