woman sitting at desk looking at computer screen with unsecured warning sign

10 Reasons Why Your Company’s a Hacker’s Dream

In the beginning days of cyber crime, it was the large companies with deep pockets that the criminals targeted. That is no longer the case. In fact, they prefer companies that have valuable data and little security. Are you that company?

While predicting cyber attacks are like predicting lightning strikes, it is possible to understand what makes you vulnerable. Fortunately, most of these things are easily remedied.

Your Company Is a Hacker’s Dream If…

  1. You only apply security patches and download software updates when you feel like it.

    Your software companies are always looking for security issues. If they offer a patch, update, or bug fix, apply it immediately for greatest protection. Many viruses enter through loopholes in old software versions.
  2. You have employees.

    While we hate to say it, most viruses, phishing scams, and ransomware enter systems because someone clicked on an infected attachment or visited a malicious site. If you have employees accessing your systems, you’ve just figured out your greatest vulnerability. Make sure your employees who travel know these tips to avoid hackers as well.
  3. You allow people to bring their own devices to work and access your network with them.

    We’re not telling you to forbid access to your employees, customers, or vendors, but if you have people accessing your network, you want to make sure they are doing so with equipment that is running the most up-to-date software.
  4. You have a lot of important data.

    From customer transactions and payment history to patient files, if you have valuable data, you’re at risk for attacks.
  5. You don’t run backups or you don’t do them regularly.

    While running regular backups won’t stop you from being hacked, it will help you get back up quicker if you have a recent refresh point.
  6. You don’t take the time to educate your employees.

    Viruses and other cyber security issues are constantly changing. Your employee education about them must be an ongoing commitment as well. Educating your employees to be aware of possible issues and giving them a protocol to follow if they think they’ve been infected can help mitigate loss.
  7. You don’t monitor all day, every day.

    Cyber security is an around-the-clock commitment. You can’t just watch between 9-5. You need a team that’s watching for irregularities all day, every day.
  8. You don’t perform regular maintenance on your IT infrastructure.

    Again, hackers are just looking for one vulnerability, one loophole.
  9. The company departments share passwords or don’t update them every 90 days.

    From employees leaving to people having conversations outside of work, it’s easy for passwords to fall into the wrong hands, particularly if the password’s a shared one. Give everyone their own password and set it so the system prompts them to change it at least every 90 days.
  10. You don’t have virus protection.

    Virus software won’t protect you from everything but it’s a good start. Make sure all of your company computers have protection as well as any employee devices that access your network.

Maintaining a secure environment for your business isn’t simple but it’s something you can’t afford to get wrong. Turn to the experts in managed IT solutions. Call CIO Tech today.

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